Health and Safety
One of the great things about powerboard hides is that as well as improving an areas appearance, they can help keep curious children and pets away from risk. Whilst the risk of electrocution is fairly low due to the design (otherwise we would have changed them right!), a partially dislodged connection is more likely. This can be a fire risk if the appliance continues to apply load to a compromised connection. Powerboard hides can help in this regard as away from sources of motion the connection of plug and socket should stay secure. Be aware however that powerboards and power supplies do produce heat as a biproduct of their operation. Enclosing them, especially in an object with holes, is usually not too bigger risk. However, you should read the instructions and cooling requirements of any item you place inside an enclosure and have an idea as to it's heat build-up. Please only put one powerboard in a box. If you are at all worried then please monitor closely the first few times you use the power box hide, and periodically check the internal temperature of the box.
Please also periodically check the condition of your cables, particularly those that get manipulated often. Internal fraying can also cause poor connections that get hot whilst under load.
Lastly, think about the location you place the box in. Whilst some areas need the box placed on the ground be aware of the potential trip hazard, or a hard object to fall onto should you trip in its vicinity. Please be careful and think about the safety of those you share you home with.
Thanks for reading CMC,